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Your at the end of My FunkySheet,
you have a few choices:
HoT ChIcK's got directly to 3.
#3 :)
VIP with H.B's ONLY!!! this third option is not offered to all, it's for the "Back dat Ass Up," Hunt for a Normal Girl, who wants to feel like a Hot Chick, all you need is a "Great Ass," not great big ass either. "No Beeps," to be heard when your back'n it up either, thanks. Send me your photo now to become a VIP Member, and if you are looking for Mr Right in a FunkyPlace, send some info., and a email address for members to use, to contact you, (Get a second E address for this purpose from your mail group! Never use your real name, only if it is too FunkySheet! We would rather publish a "nickname," so pick one, sorry Hot_Chick has been taken by all the ugly girls on da net.) use our VIP FunkyChat Room to chat with dem FunkyMembers, on the Weekend-Chat, "Be the FunkyStar Guest to FunkyDudes that thinky your FunkyHot." Send in your Pic, and after review, if I turn to Stone, I will pay some one else to post it! To My FunkySheet for me. "HoT ChICkS ( ! ), were wait'n, E-Funky Now," Funky wants you to be seen by FunkyReaders! Turn us to Stone! Only info you want our members to know will be given, "In the MembersOnly Sheet, not seen by FunkyFreaks passing-bye." Thanks for Think'n about it, "Now go for it, be a Star!" "18+ only please, it's da Law!"KeepFunkAlive
This is not a hunt for that kind of "Ass," rude people need not apply, short brief rude emails are exceptable and may be printed here at Funkysheet under Editor's Letters, Freedom of speach here, Good & Bad, and no we are not a dating service, we do not give out information on any person featured in our site, sorry, the person soliciting you for a date my cancel their Email accout at any time, or just put you on the list of the living dead aka BLOCK. Thank for visiting and enjoy the Links, and remember don't drink and drive unless your in front of a CPU look'n at My FunkySheet, or in a Yellow car, with a driver.
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Send email, "FunkyBabe Hunt." select Product #3. To have FunkySheet help you start your "Web Page or Site Design." select Product #1, or too become a FunkyMember and get our Monthly Newsletter by Email, with Passcodes to see more FunkyStuff you pick," sign up #2, Those that want to complain about "FunkySheet." select #4. Thanks for participating and Put our Funky address in your Favorites, or make me turn to stone, and Make Me your home page, and wake up too FunkySheet. Because FunkyShit is like, "Beans and Rice, oh so oo Nice." Ciao...Tschü revoir, Frenchie.....arrivederci.....auf Wiedersehen....
Back to the FunkyBabes, |
click here must be over 18 |
Discliamer : If you are sensitive towards or easily offended by the 11.09.2001 tragedy, the terrorist related topics or below the age of 18, please leave now, as you may find the materials (pictures, cartoons, comics, jokes, songs, movies & etc.) presented in FunkySheet pages offending, insulting or unacceptable. All the materials do not reflect or indicate the reality, but are for entertainment purposes only. The materials are submitted by the visitors and/orobtained from other websites. The Webmaster of FunkySheet-FSN does not produce any of the materials presented in the FunkySheet page and will not be responsible for whatsoever resulted from the materials presented in the FunkySheet Page. We like all FunkyPeople, No Hate here, just FunkyFun!
Service Anouncement: WebSite under Consruction, some pictures and link may not be active yet, the links may not work at times due to tech.diff. @ ?.com. So buckle up and keep a Surfin My FunkySheet, the choppy waters will end soon. March 16,2003
"No photo's on page, hit refresh, unless your on a restricted page?"
Spy Photo of da Month, |
Is that one of the Jackson Kids? |
"Try and Keep
the Peace," and
"Clean Up the Earth,"
a little for the next
Generation of
"KeepFunk Alive!"
Keep Reading
"Nature and FunkySheet." |
"Can Never Have Enough Of It,. So pick up after yourself and come back to FunkySheet." |
Go BacK To Content! |
I Strong Like Bull Now, Me Must See the FunkySheet Again! |
Example of an Ass that Beeps when Backing Up, not a FunkyBabe FunkyComputer Geek, Go Back to FunkyBabeSheet, and start the lesson over again before you try to submit a photo, this time, leave your sister out. Consult your friends first, "Show them your Girls Ass, or Sisters." Don't forget to tell'em Funky sent you FunkyDude.
thanks FunkyCEO
Computer Equals Office