"Ah..No self portrait here, just some FunkySheet!" & MP3
I P, U P, WE ALL P FOR MP3 @ FunkySheet. FSN |
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"And you thought he was
trying to look like Diana Rose!"
"Liz Taylor and Janet Jackson,
Not!" "He Played the Role
of: Pedo Philia.
in the Planet of the Apes!"
Never Let your Kids Go to
"Never Land,"
at the Dude Ranch!
He only wants to touch your kid!
He thought if he built it, he'd come.
Baby Pic!
Jackson NeuBaby Photo
eat your heart out
People Magazine! FunkyFirst!
"First Pictures of Jackson's New Baby with HomeBoys, having one of those Sleep Overs." |
click here to listen to Snoop sing about FunkySheet! |
"If Michael J. doesn't
stop mess'n wid kids,"
In Time,
Snoop-Doggy Dog will
"Bust a Cap in dat Ass."
Christina Backs it Up in the Uk |
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FunkySheet-FSN |
FunkyStuff Culture ® |
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"Dude That's Some FunkyStuff on Your FunkySheet." DeLL Dude
"When the Musics Over" |
"Turn out the Lights" |
"When I'm not working on Building da Bomb, I read FunkySheet, the only place I can download "David Hasselhoff MP3's." Kim Jong #1 FunkyDictator
Spare the Rod
"Every Picture tells a Story."
"How does he do it." He's been growing old and changing his music with the times. Maybe that's why he can't stay married for very long, getting a new fresh young concubine has been his style, since he signed his first record deal back in the day, when he said quote, "Reason to Believe." "Tomorrow Is Such A Long Time." and "Seems Like A long Time." "(I Know) I'm Losing You." "Maggie May." "That's All Right." "Mandolin Wind." "Every Picture Tells a Story," don't it,©1971. Trading in one Model after another, like a French Car, they just don't last long. But we at FunkySheet, want to thank him from the bottom of our ankles, for letting his new, lady pick up bottles on the beach. "Is this the return of the Green Party or what? "If so, you got My FunkyVote." Spare the Rod, let him keep making babies.
"I Want to Teach the World to Sing!" |
Click Here to Watch Video! |
"We get all our Music News here at
FunkySheet, since our paper does
not speak of Western Music, for it
is againt the Law to see Western
Music News." Mecca Cola drinker.
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Broadcast 56k-300
Celeberty Deathmatch Achive
Virtual Runway,
Go Watch the Film,
"When the Smoke Clearz,"
on the FSN-FilmNet. Sheet along with
Real One©, Neu Windows MP9©,
"Players for Free." @FSN-MovieNet.
FunkyFind Video |
Vanilla Ice go Watch Now! |
FunkySportTvNet.- Now Showing
Watch Vanilla Ice talk about how well things are going, with a FunkyBeat. The FunkyDude rides MotorCross link to @ FSNSportTvNet. now 56k-300.
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"Can I use your Phone?(Handy,Cell,Mobile)" Will you order a Pizza?" Can I play PacMan again?" |
Face of a FunkyGay Man Reading FunkySheet! |
Click Here For Pitchfork DailyMusic News |
"Move'n on Up!"
& taken it wid you.
Art Taken From the DeLL Dude! |
To Pay His Legal Fees, & to Purchase more Drugs! |
Where do people get the idea to do that FunkyStuff?
I was driving down a road in a quite little community, on a bright sunny day, looking at the expesive homes which lined the road. Behold I've seen the light, and then again, and then again, and then again, at this point it took me 3 seconds to take my mind off driving and all the cars in front of me, to look to the left side to notice a huge FunkyTacky Mirror hanging in the living room of some exspensive homes, go figure. These mirrors we not only hung to high, but facing the outdoors, above the sofa in the living room, so cars can see themselves pass by, or maybe they really do have eyes in the back of their heads. To my amazement, after driving back, how many people with money actually did get their start in the hood, it was refreshing to know that "Kid Rock," "Will Smith," and "Eminem" aren't the only ones too,
"Move on up to the East Side." Maybe, after they eat their "Beans and Rice" they can have a peice of the Pie, & Some FS.
Click here for More Music & Videos @MSN! |
Help Us Find The Next FunkyBabe, for FunkySheet, "Is your Girlfriend Hot?" " Got Ass?", then send us a Pic, so we can Envy You, and fill our eye's with Candy, instead of "Beans and Rice." but their both "Soo Nice!" Info
TWO GIRLS THAT NEVER KISSED BEFORE, LETTING FunkyPeople WATCH, "Yahoo!" Music Experience click here! |
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FunkySheet! |
Conecting FunkyPeople@FunkySheet, with FunkyStuff! |
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Doing our FunkyPart
@FunkySheet we recycle our cans, when we're not making art, we build usefull items to help rebuild the Interior of Afghanistan.
"This is our FunkyChair for FunkyLoser's that we interview @ FSN Et."
"Little M 3 P's, here!" |
"@ FunkySheet!" |
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"FunkyGrööv'n!" "FunkyGrööv'n!"
"FunkyGrööv'n!" "FunkyGrööv'n!"
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